Where Does the Time Go? ................................ Or, Time Flies When You're Knitting & Listening

I can't believe how long it has been since I last wrote here. Of course, I did take some time off for Memorial Day Weekend - 4 days in fact! We heard a truly great Shostakovich concert that really revitalized me. I'd never heard his Preludes & Fugues before and was amazed how much like Bach they were, and yet in an entirely different spirit. Very exciting music!
I never do stop knitting, however, no matter what else is going on. Here's one of a series of skinny cotton scarves I've been knitting. This one's hot pink with semi-precious bead decoration. This works just as well as a belt, and offers so many ways to wear it as a scarf. I'm posting a lot of photos of this so you can see the variations. In fact, it reflects the theme and variations of the Shostokovich music I so loved!
You can get this scarf at my Etsy store now. I will be putting it in the KnittingGuru Boutique soon,
I do love comments and questions, so let's have some feedback here, OK?
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